Landlords and Brexit

The majority of landlords are undeterred by the prospect of leaving the EU a recent survey has found.

Just one in ten landlords would postpone expanding their property portfolios because of Brexit, whilst 3% of landlords said they would increase their investment in the buy-to-let market. The research found that market forces including stamp duty, capital gains tax and stricter mortgage lending rules mean that more than half (58%) of landlords owning at least five properties and 44% overall have re-evaluated their investment plans in the past year.

Just 1% of landlords with larger portfolios and only 3% overall consider the Government to be supportive of the buy-to-let market. Despite the current uncertainty, a third of landlords (34%) with five or more properties plan to invest over the next two years. Landlords still are very confident that the future value of property will carry on increasing thus making buy-to-let properties profitable.

It would seem Brexit turns out to be the least of landlords’ worries – it’s Government policy that’s causing the most sleepless nights and causing landlords to mistrust policy-makers.

Despite the uncertainly and instability in the market, landlords remain remarkably up-beat about their future prospects. The bigger the landlord, the more positive the outlook.

Opportunities still very much remain for landlords who are focused on managing their investments and staying ahead of the regulatory curve.

The buy-to-let mortgage market remains very positive to back up these findings with re-mortgages of late surging ahead.

Can we help?

If you are a landlord looking for a new or re-mortgage, please do make contact and one of our fully qualified advisers will be happy to assist.