Landlords believe

Almost half of the UK population believe property is the best way to make the most of their money when saving for retirement, the latest Wealth and Assets survey from the Office for National Statistics reveals.

In total, 52% picked out property as a sound investment, and the majority agree this is likely to continue for many years to come. Landlords have been hit from all directions of late with profitability becoming harder and harder. However, the majority hang onto the belief that the long-term value will increase and therefore giving a good return on the original investment.

Since July 2010 and continuing into the latest period of July 2016 to June 2017, the percentage of people identifying property as making the most of their money has been increasing, which may reflect a growing confidence in property prices over this period.

Property is also named the second safest way to save for retirement by landlords after personal pensions. Almost a third (31.5%) say that property is a safe retirement investment, up from 27% the last time the survey was carried out.

It seems very evident the Government’s attempts to make buy-to-let investing less attractive has done little or nothing to dim the attraction of property as the best way to make most of your money.

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