Buy-to-lets still on the increase

The recent joint crackdown on the buy-to-let by Chancellor and the Bank of England is deterring only the minority of landlords from buying more properties. Small investors looking to buy one or two properties are still increasing due to property still offering a long term profitable return.

Investing in property for retirement is still very popular with 46% saying property is still a sound long term investment recent research has revealed.

Only one in five landlords and would be landlords have cancelled plans to buy more or make their first purchase in the buy-to-let market. Experts first thought all the new measures would severely dent demand, but it would seem this is just not the case. Seven out of ten people asked said they would continue their plans to invest in property for their retirement even with the new rules in place.

Mortgage brokers and lenders alike are currently reporting good volumes of business especially in the re-mortgage market.

This recent research clearly shows that the demand for property is not going to go away any time soon. Investors still see a property purchase as a good long-term investment and with the current shortage they could very well be correct.

Buy-to-let mortgages

Interest rates in this market remain low, plus there is a vast range to choose from both private and limited company. As the research above suggests lenders also see this as a growth area of business and they continue to introduce new and innovative products to help the investor.

Can we help?

If you require assistance with your buy-to-let mortgage, please do contact one of our fully qualified advisers who will be happy to guide you.