Landlords is it time to fix a deal?

Many landlords around the country are expressing concerns over the new tax changes and the effect they are beginning to have on profitability. It is widely expected the next issue landlords will have to deal with is increased interest rates.

If the rumours and expectations are true, then it would be a very good time to review your current buy-to-let mortgage with a view to fixing the rate for the longer term. It is not in question that borrowers have had a very good run of low rates of interest, but this could be about to change in a big way.

It is not all bad news though, there are still a very good choice of fixed rate deals on offer. Fixed terms usually offered are between 2 to 10 years, do be very careful before selecting your term as there are many issues to consider when fixing a longer-term deal.

With such a vast choice of mortgages available it really does make sense to talk over your options with a professional broker. The Independent broker will have access to all available deals and after consultation will be able to recommend a suitable product to meet your needs.

Re-mortgaging to reduce costs

There are many reasons to consider re-mortgaging but do be careful as this is not always the best advice. As an example, your current deal may well have an early redemption penalty and therefore offer no advantage at all to re-mortgage.

If you are unsure, please do contact us and we will be happy to advise you the best way forward.

The most popular reasons for re-mortgaging

- Secure a better rate of interest

- Change to a fixed term

- Raise capital

- Current deal is expiring

Need advice?

If you require help with your new or re-mortgage, please do make contact and one of our fully trained advisers will be happy to assist.