Company buy-to-let mortgages on the up

A very buoyant buy-to-let market has led to an increase in competition from lenders, which in turn means better deals and lower interest rates. What is very significant is that all lenders are starting to increase the number of Limited Company products they are offering. The buy-to-let market has seen a large dip in activity but over the last 24 months. With landlords getting to grip with the new legislation and the usage of a Limited Company this trend is being reversed rapidly. Figures just out are showing that lenders are taking the new tax changes that will affect landlords very seriously by increasing their product range. Less than a year ago only a few lenders offered Limited Company buy-to-let mortgages but now this is all changing very rapidly. Currently over 60% of the lenders offer Limited Company deals and these numbers are increasing daily. What is also very good news for the borrower is the wider range of deals that are on offer, from fixed rate through to trackers. All this is good news as competition in the Limited Company market hots up, thus driving down costs. Set up costs are also reducing along with interest rates which goes to prove how valuable the lenders see this market. The Limited Company option for a landlord is a very complex issue and it is highly recommended to seek professional advice as this will not be best advice for everybody. Need some help? Times are very difficult for landlords at present with all the changes to the taxation rules. It is vitally important to secure the correct mortgage deal whether that is a Limited Company product or not. We have fully qualified advisers who can answer your questions and assist you in making the correct decision to suit your needs now and in the future.